Ox-Bow Lakes
- Ox-bow lakes are horseshoe-shaped lakes found on the flood plains of old rivers. - They are formed by river erosion and deposition. - An example can be seen on the River Moy.Formation 1. ...
Notes, resources, and study guides.
- Ox-bow lakes are horseshoe-shaped lakes found on the flood plains of old rivers. - They are formed by river erosion and deposition. - An example can be seen on the River Moy.Formation 1. ...
el/la bombero/a: firefighter el/la conductor/a: driver el/la endermero/a: nurse el/la granjero/a: farmer el/la mecánico/a: mechanic el/la panadero/a: baker el/la peluquero/a: hai...
- The government prepares a budget to plan their income and expenditure for the next year. - Each government minister requests an amount of money to run their department for the year. - This...
- In general, as an economy grows it goes through 4 stages. This is known as the economic cycle: 1. Boom. 2. Recession. 3. Slump. 4. Recovery.Stage 1: Boom Boom describes a period of above...
el águila: eagle el búho: owl el camello: camel el canguro: kangaroo la cebra: zebra el cocodrilo: crocodile el delfín: dolphin el elefante: elephant la foca: seal el gorila...
agriculteur{-trice}: farmer architecte: architect bibliothécaire: librarian boulanger: baker chauffeur de taxi: taxi driver chef de cuisine: cook, chef coiffeur{-euse}: hairdress...
el abrelatas: tin opener el aseo: toilet la barbacoa: barbeque el bosque: woods, forest el botiquín: first aid kit la brújula: compass el campista: camper la cantimplora: carava...
- Advertising in print, on the radio and on the tv has been around for a long time but in recent years, advances in technology have created many new ways for brands to reach their target mar...
- Advertising is how a business communicates information to consumers to encourage them to buy products and services. - There are 4 types of advertising; informative advertising, persuasive ...