Food Chains
- A food chain is a sequence of organisms where each one is eaten by the next. - Each time an organism is eaten, the matter and energy it contains passes to the organism that eats it. - Many...
Notes, resources, and study guides.
- A food chain is a sequence of organisms where each one is eaten by the next. - Each time an organism is eaten, the matter and energy it contains passes to the organism that eats it. - Many...
Scientific Language - Scientists communicate using words, symbols, diagrams, graphs, numbers and equations. - To share ideas scientists must communicate.Sources of Evidence - Evidence from...
- A heavy industry is a type of industry that makes heavy/ bulky finished products from heavy/bulky raw materials. For example ship-building.Case Study: Heavy Industry-Banagher Precast Concr...
la cafetería: coffee shop la carnicería: butcher's shop el estanco: tobacconist's la farmacia: chemist's la floristería: florist's la frutería: fruit and vegetable shop la helade...
la batidora: blender el bol: bowl la cacerola: saucepan la cocina: cooker la copa: wine glass el cubo de basura: bin la cuchara: spoon la cuchara de madera: wooden spoon el c...
Téama an Dáin - Ceapaim gurb é 'tionchar an fhóin chliste' an príomhthéama sa dán 'Stadeolaíocht'. - Úsáideann an file scéal gearr greannmhar chun teachtaireacht thábhachtach a thabhairt d...
- Galileo was born in Genoa, Italy in 1564. - He was a lecturer in mathematics due to his large interest in mathematics. - He heard about an invention called the telescope and improved upon ...
Social Purpose The money collected from taxes can be redistributed for social good. The homeless, the unemployed, lone-parent families and people living with illness and disabilities are el...
His Early Life William Shakespeare is considered one of the greatest writers ever in the English language. He was born in Stratford-on-Avon, England in 1564. At 18 he got married to Anne Ha...
Early Life Michelangelo was born near Florence in 1475. He showed a great interest in sculpting and closely studied the work of the great artist Donatello.Michelangelo's Sculptures Soon a ...