Organs of the circulatory system working together:
Heart and Arteries: Arteries are the blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart and carry it towards the organs of the body.
Heart and veins: Veins are the blood vessels that carry blood away from the organs of the body and deliver it back to the heart.
Arteries and capillaries: Arteries are larger blood vessels, too big to get near individual cells in the body. The arteries break up into smaller blood vessels called capillaries which can get very close to the cells.
Veins and capillaries: When capillaries coming away from an organ join back together again, they join up as a vein.
Organs of the circulatory system interacting with other systems:
- Food and oxygen are delivered to all organs of all the systems of the body by the circulatory system.
- Waste such as carbon dioxide is removed from all the organs of all the systems of the body by the circulatory system.
- The stomach and small intestine have a greater number of blood vessels associated with them because food needs to be absorbed from these organs.