Scelara: this is the "white" of your eye. It covers your eyeball except the cornea.
Iris: this is the coloured part of your eye. Irises are commonly brown, green, blue or hazel. Irises control the amount of light that enters your eyes.
Pupil: this is sort of a hole in your iris. It gets light into your eye and gets very small in bright light (contrasts) and big in duller light (dilates).
Cornea: is the clear layer covering the front of your eye. It focuses the light that comes into your eye to make sure your eye records are clear.
Lens: this helps cornea focus light. It can also become thicker (for closer objects) or thinner (for faraway objects) to make the picture as clear as possible.
Retina: the cornea and lens focus light onto the retina. The retina contains two types of cells: Rods and cones. Rods process black and white. Cones process colours. The rods and cones turn images into the electrical messages that are sent to the brain.
Optic nerve: the electrical messages from the retina travel along the optic nerve to the brain. Basically, the optic nerve is a path that connects the eye to the brain.
Eyelids: your eyelids shut if somthing tries to get in your eyes, and they also shut to keep light out when it is time to sleep. They blink to keep the cornea moist instead of dry.
Eyelashes: are also protective. They catch dust and other particles to keep them out of your eyes. Although your eyebrows aren't part of the eye, they also work to keep sweat and dust away from your eyes.
Tear glands: this is located in your upper eyelid. They produce tears that keep your eyeball clean and moist to protect it from damage.