Modern Physics – Leaving Cert Physics Terms
Ionisation – occurs when an atom loses electrons. Thermionic Emission - is the giving off of electrons from the surface of a hot metal. Photoelectric Effect – is the emission of electrons ...
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Ionisation – occurs when an atom loses electrons. Thermionic Emission - is the giving off of electrons from the surface of a hot metal. Photoelectric Effect – is the emission of electrons ...
Semiconductor – is a material whose resistivity is between that of a good conductor and a good insulator. Intrinsic Conduction – is the movement of charges through a pure semiconductor. Ex...
Pour vous détendre, qu’est-ce que vous faites? Tout d’abord il faut que je dise que les loisirs sont très importants. Il faut éviter de stresser et de travailler trop. Il est très important...
Qu’est-ce que vous allez faire après vos études secondaires? Vous avez des projets? Là vous me posez une colle Madame/Monsieur! Ça dépendra de mes notes au bac, mais je voudrais être un méd...
Qui êtes-vous? Comme c'est marqué je m'appelle ______. J'ai dix-sept/dix-huit ans. Je viens de fêter mon anniversaire qui a eu lieu le deux février. Comme presque tout le monde, j'ai eu une...
v = u + at – velocity ma – Force Fd – Torque mv – Momentum (p) ½mv² – Kinetic Energy mgh – Potential Energy Fs – Work W/t – Power kx – Force of Spring 1/f – Period (f=frequency) Gm...
Ultra Heat Treated (UHT) – Milk is homogenised and then heated to 132°C for one second. It is then cooled and packaged into sterile containers. Sterilisation – Milk is homogenised, sealed i...
Loss leader – Product sold below cost Caveat Emptor – “Buyers Beware” Consumers Association Ireland – Voluntary agency campaigning for consumer rights Receipt – Proof of purchase Consume...
Photosynthesis - Green plants make food by photosynthesis. - Photosynthesis occurs in the leaves of a plant. - The green chemical chlorophyll is needed for photosynthesis. - Chlorophyll tra...