Communication and Research in Science
Communication Scientists must communicate to share ideas. This allows scientists to check each other's work and to develop their ideas. Ideas can only develop into scientific theory if the ...
Notes, resources, and study guides.
Communication Scientists must communicate to share ideas. This allows scientists to check each other's work and to develop their ideas. Ideas can only develop into scientific theory if the ...
A good way to approach a research project is to break it into three stages: 1. Research 2. Organise 3. Communicate1. Research Find some general information about your topic. Sources of Inf...
Most cells have the following structures: - Cell membrane: Holds the cell together and controls what can enter and leave the cell. - Cytoplasm: This is a watery, jelly-like fluid in which t...
All cells have the same basic structure but different types of cells have special features that are suited to the functions that they carry out.Red Blood Cells - Contains a chemical called ...
After the fall of the Roman Empire Europe went through a period of unrest and war known as the Dark ages from AD500 to 1000. These hard times in Europe and the attacks from the Vikings forc...
Food Chains - A food chain shows the feeding relationship between an organism in which energy is transferred. - A food chain must always start with a producer e.g. a plant.Example Grass - ...
Adaptations - An adaptation is a structure or habitat that helps an organism to survive in its habitat.Examples - Butterflies have long tubular mouthparts so they can drink nectar - Primro...
- Oratory or church, made out of wood or stone, was where the monks attended Mass or prayed. - Scriptorium was where manuscripts were copied by hand and illustrated - A Manuscript is a book ...
- A monastery is a called religious community where the people (monks) dedicate their whole lives for God. - Monks are men who dedicated themselves to a religious order and to life ina mona...
Etre - To be Je suis Tu es Il est Elle est Nous sommes Vous etez Ils sont Elles sont Example - je suis étudiantAvoir - To have J' ai Tu as Il a Elle a Nous avons Vous avez Il...