
· 1 min read · 428 views
  • The heart is the pump of the circulatory system.
  • It is made of cardiac muscle which does not tire.
  • Cardiac muscle receives its own blood supply through the coronary arteries and veins.
  • The septum divides the heart into right and left sides.
  • The heart has four chambers; right atrium, right ventricle, left atrium, left ventricle.

Blood Flow Through the Heart

  1. The blood flows into the vena cava into the right atrium. It is deoxygenated blood.
  2. The valves open and allow the blood flow into the right ventricle. The valves close.
  3. The right ventricle contracts, valves open and blood is pushed up through the pulmonary artery.
  4. The blood travels to the lungs where it collects oxygen and gets rid of carbon dioxide.
  5. The blood is now oxygenated and it travels to the heart through the pulmonary vein into the left atrium.
  6. The valves open and blood flows into the left ventricle. The valves close.
  7. The left ventricle contracts, the valves open and blood is pushed up through the aorta and carried to all the cells in the rest of our body. The wall on the left hand side of our heart is 3 times thicker than the right side because it has to pump blood all around the body.
  8. The blood delivers oxygen to all the cells in the body and picks up carbon dioxide. The blood is now deoxygenated and travels back to the vena cava.