- Carbon
- Oxygen
- Hydrogen
- Fat is made up of the three fatty acids and glycerol which makes up the triglyceride.

Saturated fats Unsaturated fats
Meat. Nuts.
Butter. Vegetable oils.
Chocolate. Seeds.
Milk. Oily fish.
- Produces heat for the body.
- Creates an insulating layer to keep heat in.
- Protection of delicate organs.
Drawbacks of saturated fats
- If consumed too much the fat can block the blood vessels in your body which prevents blood from passing through and causing coronary heart disease.
- Also if eaten too much it can cause obesity which causes heart diseases and prevent you from doing everyday tasks.
Advantages in Unsaturated fats
- This will clear up your blood vessels if there is a build-up of fat.
- Certain foods with unsaturated fats (e.g oily fish) is a rich source of omega 3 which will lessen your chance of heart diseases.