Weigh the sample
- Weigh 1.30 g of sodium carbonate on an electronic balance, as accurately as you can. Use a clock glass.
- Two places of decimals would be best.
Transfer to beaker
- Use a spatula to transfer the sample to a beaker of warm water (100ml).
- Rinse the clock glass.
- Rinse the remaining grains into the beaker with deionised water.
- Rinse the spatula into the beaker also.
- All traces must be transferred.
Pour the washings into the volumetric flask.
- Pour the washings into the volumetric flask, using a funnel and a glass rod.
- Wash the rod as well.
- Rinse the beaker several times with deionised water.
- Pour these washings into the volumetric flask.
- Top up the volumetric flask with deionised water, until just below the graduation mark.
- Top up to the graduation mark with a dropper.
- Read the bottom of the meniscus at eye level.
- Invert and mix to ensure proper mixing of the contents.
Number of moles of sodium carbonate