The Beginnings of Buddhism Buddhism began in 560BCE (the 6th century), in the north-east of India, started by Prince Siddhartha Gautama. Prince Siddhartha was born into a very wealthy famil...
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The Beginnings of Buddhism Buddhism began in 560BCE (the 6th century), in the north-east of India, started by Prince Siddhartha Gautama. Prince Siddhartha was born into a very wealthy famil...
Une Boucherie - butcher's shop Une Boulangerie - bakery Une Bijouterie - Jeweller's Une Confiserie - Sweet Shop Une Épicerie - Grocery store Une Librairie - Bookshop Une Patisserie - C...
4 Factors when Choosing Textiles 1. Durability- the fabric must be able to withstand a reasonable amount of wear and tear, e.g fabric used on a sofa for families need to be hard-wearing...
2 ecological issues 1. Gases from the textile factory chimneys cause air pollution 2. Synthetic fabrics such as polyester are derived from petroleum which is a limited resource 2 ethical i...
The Medici House The Palazzo Medici Riccardi is still in Florence today but now it is commonly known as the Renaissance palace. It is the seat of the Metropolitan City of Florence and is a...
Marie Curie was a Polish and naturalized-French physicist and chemist who conducted pioneering research on radioactivity. Marie Curie was born on November the 7th, 1867 in Warsaw, Poland. In...
Masculine 1. Le Cinéma 2. Le Musée 3. Le Supermarché 4. Le Stade 5. Le Poste De Police 6. Le Parc 7. L'Hopital 8. Le Marché 9. Le Parking 10. Le Jardin PublicFeminine 1. La Bangue 2. La Ga...
The Effects of the Plantation on Irish Identity1. Religious Identity Until the Plantation, most of Ireland and the rules and customs were from catholicism. The arrival of large numbers of ...
Les Verbes PronominauxReflexive Verbs A reflexive verb indicates that the action is done to oneself e.g. I wash myself. Examples 1. se réveiller - to wake up 2. se lever - to get up 3. s...