Prescribed Poetry: The Main Body Of Your Answer
Your answer should then contain a main body of at least four paragraphs, which combined should deal with the poet’s themes/ interests, style, viewpoint etc. Each of these paragraphs must als...
Notes tagged with "lc english".
Your answer should then contain a main body of at least four paragraphs, which combined should deal with the poet’s themes/ interests, style, viewpoint etc. Each of these paragraphs must als...
Coherence of delivery: The marker looks for you to consistently answer the question without disruption or interruption, hence you have to ensure that your answer does not divert from addres...
Finally, keep these basic things in mind when answering your prescribed poetry question: Six poems The markers are told to look for evidence that you have studied six poems in your answer...
The play opens at night, with Roderigo and Iago arguing in a Venetian street; Roderigo has been paying Iago regularly to help him begin a relationship with Desdemona, but he has learnt that ...
Iago goes to Othello, declaring that Rogerigo betrayed him with the revelation of the marriage to Brabanzio; Iago says that Brabanzio’s upset will likely result in his divorcing the newlywed...
The action moves to the dukedom, where discussions are being held about Turkey’s intent to invade Cyprus. A sailor interrupts the meeting to reveal that the Turkish fleet are directed toward...
In Cyprus, the Cypriot governor Montano and two gentleman discuss whether the Turkish fleet could have surived a recent storm, and are informed by a third gentleman that the fleet was in fac...
Act 2 Scene 2 A herald reveals that Othello plans to celebrate the Turks’ drowning and his marriage simultaneously that evening.Act 2 Scene 3 Before leaving to consummate his marriage Othe...
Act 3, Scene 1 Cassio sends musicians to play under Othello’s window to curry favor with him. In response, Othello sends a clown to dismiss the musicians, and Cassio asks him to summon Emil...
Desdemona assures Cassio that she will do everything possible to regain favor with Othello. He soon enters, and Cassio departs as he is too nervous to argue his case suitably. Iago declares ...