Management Skills

Management: is the process of achieving results through resources. To combine resources in the most effective way to achieve corporate goals.

Management Skills:

  • Leading
  • Motivating
  • Communicating

Management Activities:

  • Planning
  • Organising
  • Controlling 

Characteristics of a good Manager:

  • Innovation: Adopting new fresh approaches. Innovative ideas to tackle issues such as motivation + communication.
  • Flexibility: Being able to “think on their feet” when circumstances change
  • Charisma:  Ability to attract, inspire and influence others, E.g Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr
  • Hard Work: Be willing to put in the extra hour. Must lead by example
  • Interpersonal Skills: Must have a good personality to interact and communicate well with others

Manager vs Entrepreneur

  • Idea Generation: Entrepreneur come up with new business ideas while Managers implement them
  • Risk Taking: Entrepreneurs run the loss of personal bankruptcy while Managers risk the profitability of the company, their reputation and even their job.
  • Communication:Entrepreneurs are usually self-driven while Managers has to work with others and as a team