Daydream,a series of pleasant thoughts that distract one's attention from the present. Daydreams are often regarded as a distraction and a sign of laziness. However, I believe in the creative power of daydreams, which allow me to escape from reality. Daydreaming allows me to look within my mind, which I need as an introvert. It is essential for introverts to recharge themselves after socializing with people.

Physiologically speaking, you’re neither asleep nor awake during a daydream but, rather, in a peculiar in-between state where your thoughts are lucid but you’re still at serious risk of drooling. While they may often appear out of the blue, there can also be underlying triggers for daydreams, like when your nephew is giving you a fifteen-minute description of a leaf.

Where is the fine line between daydreaming and simply thinking of possibilities? Sometimes I just lie on my bed and I quietly slip into a dreamtime of my own imaginings. I don’t directly imagine some event or situation, I drift between scattered thoughts in search of that perfect possibility. That perfect possibility which fills me with an unconscious serenity and extracts me from my reality to show me a fictional circumstance. My daydreams can vary from the most extravagant and outlandish events to very trivial thoughts formed by my imagination. I often daydream about my future and what it could be like. My mind becomes completely consumed by this image and the steps I would need to take to make it a reality.

Some psychiatrists believe that the imaginings of one’s mind is associated with mental health and stability, so my question is ‘if people’s mental health varies does their way of dreaming vary? ’ Many famous people have become famous because of their daydreams. Einstein is believed to have begun his theory of relativity while he daydreamed about riding or running beside a sunbeam to the edge of the universe.This tiny moment where Einstein’s mind accidentally wandered resulted in a huge scientific breakthrough. Einstein’s theory of relativity which contributed to the development of the atomic bomb. Many famously inspired people praise daydreaming, poet Rita Dove celebrates daydreaming. She once said “I want to discuss an activity which is barely tolerated in adolescence, never encouraged in school – but without which no bridges would soar, no light bulbs burn. ” She found that daydreaming was like a creative outlet where one can discover something beautiful without attention.

There is a time for fantasy but there is also a time for reality. But overall, my opinion is that daydreaming is positive when one is not daydreaming constantly and about bad things, which can result in depression. Daydreams can be very influential on a person’s mental health. If one is only thinking about negative possibilities, their outlook on life becomes cloudy and hopeless. I once heard someone say ‘How many of our daydreams would darken into nightmares, were there danger if their coming true. ’ Just because one imagines something it does not mean they want it to come true.

When we are older our daydreams become more refined and closer to reality. The more mature daydreamer imagines what their life would be like if they had taken a different path , some also imagine situations that they are presently in and how they would change if they said or did something. Of course every now and then the inner child in everybody takes charge and we succumb to your childlike fantasies. But these fantasies are not confessed to others often. We never become too old to dream but I wonder at what age one becomes too old for the publication of one’s daydreams.